GKM College of Engineering and Technology (GKMCET) is one among reputed technical institutes imparting finest quality education. The evolution of the institute over the past two decades has witnessed strong blend of state-of-the-art infrastructure and intricately intertwined human resource committed to provide professional education with thrust on creativity and innovation. The motivating environment in GKMCET for knowledge assimilation, generation and dissemination with a sense of social responsibility, human values and concern for environment has carved a niche for itself among the best technical institutes.
In GKMCET, it is believed and practised that excellence is a continuous process and in pursuit of which the institute has made deep forays into contributing world renowned technocrats, successful entrepreneurs, competent leaders, innovative scientists and researchers.
Dear Students, "A desire can change nothing, a decision can change something but a determination can change everything".
Life is a set of problems. An engineer has to solve problems in his/her domain areas with strong innovative ideas with scientific knowledge. Your commitment to become an engineer by devoting four year academic journey in GKM College of Engineering and Technology will be fruitful and enjoyable in every aspect and the experience you gain from here and the moments you spend here will be cherished by you throughout your life.

Dr N.S.Bhuvaneswari
Phone No: 044 - 2279 2403
E-mail : principal@gkmcet.net.in